Canonical invited me to spend last week in Brussels at the
Ubuntu Developer Summit, representing the upstream projects I'm part of:
On the GNOME front, I tried to understand Ubuntu plans regarding
introspection and developing with Python. At the beginning I was very concerned because the developers I talked to didn't seemed to be aware of the changes that introspection would bring to GNOME and thus hadn't any strategy in place.
The most notable effect of the appearance of introspection support in GNOME is that the existing static bindings for Python and other languages will stop being maintained and no new bindings will be developed for new APIs. For downstreams such as Ubuntu this means that they will either have to maintain and develop static bindings themselves alone, or move to use introspection. See
here for an explanation of how apps in python would use introspection to call GObject C code.
If Ubuntu limited itself to package whatever software upstream releases, they could just sit waiting for new releases and update the dependencies accordingly. But turns out they produce a lot of Python code themselves and thus need to get involved in this transition for their own good. They also have the goal of being a great platform for developing desktop apps with Python, and introspection will play a major role in that.
Jorge Castro was tremendously helpful by presenting myself to
Barry Warsaw, who has a responsibility role in Ubuntu's use of Python. Barry has been working on the transition to Python 3 and GNOME's move to introspection can make it way easier by making obsolete an awful lot of
CPython code. This will also make possible in the future to use
other Python implementations than CPython for coding GNOME applications.
As the week progressed introspection got more and more present in Ubuntu's plans, which makes me very happy. Follows some of the most relevant mentions of it, check the whiteboard section of each blueprint for the details:
How do we get to Python 3 and do we go through 2.7 first? "Port PyGI to python3. Move python2 applications to use PyGI." There's lots we can do upstream to help with this, from providing a script to convert to the new API to create a compatibility layer in PyGI. We'll be discussing the creation of a mailing list for coordinating PyGObject and PyGI development and helping with the porting from the static bindings.
How GObject Introspection will change our platform "Actions: Package PyGI for Ubuntu (Python 2) [robert-ancell], create or hijack
a mailing list for pygi development"
Fun and Easy Python API for Telepathy We are adding API to telepathy-glib in this direction and nobody has shown interest in working on new static bindings for it, so we need PyGI in order to access the new API.
packagekit as backend for software-center "Python API is out-of-date. It would require some adaption, especially since 0.6.x will break API. Packagekit-glib2 was written with gobject introspection support. So bindings could be generated in the future."
Review coming changes in GNOME and what we will want to do "Python introspection bindings well progressed at sprint. No resource for GLib introspection work. Libraries will stop making bindings and rely on introspection - we have to migrate at some time to keep bindings"
And there seems to have been also interest in introspection from the people pushing for Midgard in Ubuntu.
In summary, I'm very happy to count on Ubuntu in the development of PyGI, I plan to report in this blog about the progresses in polishing PyGI and porting apps to the new API.
P.S.: I'm under the impression that Planet GNOME is not widely read by Ubuntu people, so if someone could rely it to their planet, would be awesome.