Thursday, June 30, 2011

PyGObject BoF at the Desktop Summmit 2011

A BoF has just been proposed for the Desktop Summit in Berlin in August, this is the description:

We'll get together to port applications from PyGtk+ to Gtk+ 3 (using GObject introspection). Seasoned developers of PyGObject will meet applications developers and will help each other port applications and improve PyGObject itself.
The session is still just a proposal and we'll only know if it has been accepted in a few days, but if you will be at the Summit and this session interests you, please feel free to add yourself to the list of prospective participants.

See you in Berlin!


  1. Is it possible to attend without any knowledge of pygobject/gobject-introspection internals? I just want to learn something about these topics.

  2. @Anonymous: My understanding is that these BoFs are open to everybody. Of course, people are expected to help keep the session productive.

  3. If you need applications, here's a blocker with sample code that blocks me upgrading:
    bug 653151
    Can't be in Berlin unfortunately...
