Friday, December 3, 2010

Python ♥ GNOME Hackfest 2011

Looks like we are almost ready for one more push to Python development in GNOME 3, as originally announced by J5.

From 17th to 21th of January we'll be gathering at the brmlab hackerspace in Prague to hack on the applications of the brave souls that are taking the lead and port them to the future: Gtk+ 3, Python 3 and introspection.

We are having several GNOME volunteers, and Canonical, Collabora, OLPC, openSUSE and Red Hat  are sending their people to lend a hand.

If you think you should be there, please act quickly and add your name to the wiki before J5 secures the budget. If you would like to contribute to the funds or in any other way that would help this hackfest become a success, please send email to the GNOME Foundation board.