Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Open GNOME/Sugar position in Greece

A group of people passionate about improving education is working on implementing OLPC and Sugar technologies in Greece and they have an open position for someone with GNOME knowledge.

This is an excellent opportunity to hack on free software, improve educational opportunities in your country and get paid for it. These are the areas of work identified to date:
1. Better localisation of Sugar and Sugar activities. This would involve Sugar enhancements such as:
* spell checking facilities all around the platform
* sugar-wide dictionary
* new pedagogical activities (i.e. an activity that helps children with dyslexia)

2. Sensors and based on existing platforms (scratch) or creating musical activities using sensors (or enhancing TamTam).

3. Repackaging wikipedia, in order to include various Balkan language resources. Probably adding further material (ex, index of Internet archive or Gutenberg project)

Sugar is closely based on GNOME and is mostly written in Python. The job will require working within upstream communities and contributing back.

If you are interested, contact Thanasis Priftis @ thanasis.priftis at gmail.com

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