Monday, June 28, 2010

PyGI has been merged into PyGObject

Last week the people hacking on introspection support for PyGObject decided to merge (again) PyGI into PyGObject.

As soon as the patches in this bug get reviewed and pushed, I will be making a new release of PyGObject that will include introspection support.

For packagers, this means that PyGI packages can be dropped and that future releases of PyGObject will depend on introspection. The release notes will contain more specific information for packagers.

The 'pygi' component in bugzilla has been closed for new bugs and we are using component 'introspection' in the product 'pygobject'.

Similarly, the #pygi channel at GIMPNet has been changed to invite-only and we have registered the #python channel for all matters related to the internals of Python on GNOME. For user questions, please keep using #pygtk also on GIMPNet.

We need help updating the wiki to reduce the confusion caused by the brief but tribulated life of PyGI, at least we are certain that it has finally found its permanent home.

We hope that users of Python on GNOME will appreciate what introspection brings to our platform and also that from now on it will be more accessible to everybody.


  1. Thanks a lot to all contributors for this work. This is really very good news!

  2. That's good, since in theory pygobject should now be the only thing needed if you want to do Gtk+/Gnome coding in Python. Simplifies the dependencies a lot.

    Now, just need gobject-introspection to merge into glib, since almost everything that uses the latter now requires (or at least supports) the former too...
