Friday, February 5, 2010

Two Sugar talks in A Coruña

Next week I'll be giving two talks about Sugar in the Igalia office in A Coruña, Galiza, Spain. The first one will be of introductory nature, talking about Sugar's history, the community around it and future perspectives. The second will be more of a workshop on how to contribute features and bug fixes. The talks will be part of the Free Software Master that Igalia runs in partnership with the Rey Juan Carlos University, but other interested people are welcome to join us.

The talks will be in Spanish and will take place on Thursday 11th February 2010 from 16 to 19, at Bugallal Marchesi, 22, 1º, A Coruña:

* 16:00-17:15 Introducción a Sugar, historia, comunidad, oportunidades
* 17:45-19:00 Charla técnica / taller sobre cómo realizar contribuciones

I'm very happy to see Igalia's interest on Sugar, in my opinion it isn't a coincidence that a company with a strong commitment to Free Software sees education as an important area through which fulfil their social mission.

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