Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can GNOME change the world?

Maybe, after all ;)

Almost one year ago I blogged here about ongoing work in adding file transfer capabilities to Sugar. That work was prompted by some Collabora employees pinging us about this new feature in the Telepathy spec, they were helpful when implementing the client side in Sugar and also surprised us by implementing support in telepathy-gabble just in time for Fedora 11.

Since then that feature got released in Sugar 0.84 and refined in 0.86.

And last week, Jose I. Icaza from TECno.tzotzil blogged about how small children in remote schools in the Mexican region of Chiapas are exchanging their writings across the network and teaching their teachers to do the same, using Telepathy.

Don't know about you, but I find amazing that the time I spend hacking on something cool can also have a positive impact on the education of children all around the world, specially in the poorest and most remote areas.

If you would like to use your hacking skills to improve education and wonder how, please refer to this post.

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