Friday, December 19, 2008

New feature: Object transfer in the journal

So these two last weeks were about coding. Landed the first batch of patches that bring file transfer to the journal and, though more or less working, still need a lot of love and polishing. Next week plan to resume work on file transfer as the last days I have been working on adapting to serve activities. More on this in the next post.

The plan is to implement Eben's spec:

As an important implementation detail, we are using Telepathy as a central piece of our collaboration stack, and the mechanism we use for transferring files is the same that an instant messaging client would use to transfer files from GNOME, etc. Right now, telepathy supports only file transfer in its Salut backend (so LAN only) but in the near future we expect to have it added to the Jabber backend so we'd get for free file transfer supported in all our collaboration scenarios.

A big thanks to the telepathy guys at Collabora for their support and great work. And special thanks to Guillaume for his patience at answering my questions.

1 comment:

  1. Sweeeet! As soon as we have support to gabble this is going to be a huge feature!
